Am I ready for sex?

  • It’s totally your call. And it’s perfectly sensible and natural to ask yourself that question because the responsibility of its outcome lies totally with you. You - and only you - get to decide when you are ready to have sex.
  • It’s a big step. So you should talk about your decision with a friend, adult or someone you are comfortable with and that you trust.
  • Once you have sex, you can’t ‘un-have’ it. So you must weigh how having sex, and the risks associated with it would fit in with your health, values, school goals, relationships with others, and your feelings about yourself(Very very important)

However you define it, being sexual with another person takes a lot of responsibility. Before you have sex, think about what things you feel comfortable doing, and if there are consequences to them (like sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy). It's just as important to think about what you DON'T feel comfortable doing. And if you're in the middle of doing something that you thought you wanted to do, but change your mind, that's OK, too. You can stop any time you want to.