A broken heart

Every young people experienced of broken heart at least once in their life. A broken heart can really hurt, but time heals all wounds. You really will feel better someday. So how much time do you need to get over it? The answer is different for every person and every breakup.

First, know that it’s okay to be sad after a breakup. After all, you probably really cared about the person, no matter how bad the breakup was. So do what you need to do — cry, listen to sad music, go for a long walk or run, or write in a journal. Whatever works for you.

Talking about it with someone who cares about you and is willing to listen can also help. Don’t overlook your parents! You might not want to open up to your parents about it, but they know how special you are and they’ve got a lot of experience with relationships and breakups. Plus, it’s their job to take care of you when you’re sad — so let them help.

If you try everything and still feel depressed, think about talking with a counselor. If you need help finding a counselor, you can talk with your parents, doctor, and school counselor.