I have discharge from my penis/pain while urinating

Urethral Discharge/Pain

Look for

  • Discharge from the opening on the top of your penis.
  • Discharge from under the foreskin

If you do not see any discharge, you can gently squeeze the penis, pressing towards the tip.

Note: a little white/grey material underneath the foreskin (called smegma) is normal.

Signs of other STI syndromes

Look for

_ Genital ulcer

_ Swelling in the groin

_ Scrotal swelling/tenderness

This is likely to be an infection of the urethra, the tube which carries the urine from inside the body to the outside. It is likely that this infection has occurred as a result of having sex without a condom or without proper use of a condom.

What can you do?

Seek medical care [l1] as soon as possible to get diagnosed and get treatment for the infection