What should we do to be happy?

What do we do when we want to be happy? What things can make us happy? Different people will give different answers. Let’s categorize the things which can make us happy into two groups. The first group contains the things which can make us happy. We are happy when we are doing these things. Take singing, hanging out with friends for example. They may also be the things we do as hobbies. We are happy when we can do these things. We are happy because we can do what we want to do.  Let’s consider the things in the second group. Are you happy when you pass an exam or when you achieve an aim? You will definitely be happy. Because you achieve these things only after making a lot of effort. What do you think the difference between the happiness you get from the things in the first group and those in the second group. The happiness brought by the things in the first group is easy to get and is temporary (i.e, you feel happy only when you are doing them). This kind of happiness cannot last long. In contrast, the things in the second group can give you long lasting happiness. Because these are the things you achieve only by putting in your efforts, your personality and skills, ect. But they are worthwhile and you can be happy your whole life because of them. But before you can achieve that kind of happiness, you must face hard times when you get depressed and you want to give up. One thing is for sure - we want to be happy in our life. If so, we should know how to find both short term and long term happiness. Long term happiness is true happiness, so don’t forget to work hard to achieve success. The most important thing is that the things which we do for our happiness should not be annoying to others.