Q: What are the international norms to achieve Gender Equality?

A: There are many international resolution that ensure gender equality. CEDAW – Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women – which is signed by Myanmar. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights says all humans (including men and women) are born equal. 

Q: Is it important the women to be in parliament or any decision making bodies?

A: Yes, so that women can talk about the challenges that particularly withholding their advancement. In 2012 all levels of parliament, women occupied 4.6% of directly elected seats.  Myanmar 2008 constitution guarantee there is non-discrimination based on sex, ethnicity nor religions. 

Q: What are the current misconception about women status in Myanmar?

A: There are some saying which is not true for example  “ if you love your wife, beat more, so that she will love more”, which is against both international and Myanmar law. And it is not true. It is the current and widespread misconception that domestic violence is a private matter that is best dealt with by a husband and wife at home.