Male Reproductive Organs and their functions


The male testes lies within scrotum and produce sperm.


  • Is located in front of the scrotum and functions to transfer sperm to the vagina.
  • has three columns of erectile tissue
  • Has 3 parts: a root, body (shaft), and glans penis.
  • A loose fold of skin, called the foreskin, covers the glans penis.


  • Sac of skin that hangs outside the body in which  contains two testicles.
  • The Testes are outside the body because they are kept at the temperature lower than your body temperature which is needed for sperm production.
  • When it is cold or a man is sexually aroused, a muscle contracts and pulls the testes up toward your body for warmth. When it is warm these muscles relax again.

Spermatic cord

  • The spermatic cord which emerges from the testis, runs through the bellyt region ends at seminal vesicle) Out of two tubes, one connects to the right testicle and one connecting to the left testicle.
  • The primary function of this tube is to transport semen.


  • The Urethra is a tube that runs from the bladder to the  tip of the penis.
  • It is a passageway for sperm and fluids from the reproductive system and urine from the urinary system.

Some guys are worried that they might accidentally pee when they ejaculate. However, the body is made in such a way that this is impossible, so no reason to worry!

Seminal Fluid or Semen

  • a mixture of sperm and other fluids.
  • The volume of semen in a single ejaculation may vary from 1.5 to 4 ml.
  • There are between 33 to 46 million sperm per ejaculate

Is the size of my penis normal?

A lot of guys stress about the size of their penis, but there isn't a normal size for any particular age. The average adult erect (hard) penis is between five and seven inches long. The size of a guy's penis when it's flaccid (soft) doesn't really have anything to do with what it's like when erect. Some penises get much bigger when they become erect, and others stay pretty much the same size.


When a boy's penis becomes hard and long, it is known as an erection. This usually happens when a boy has romantic or sexual thoughts, or as a response of physical touch or sight.  Most erections are not straight, and tend to either curve upwards or to either side (slightly curved penis is not a disease as some might tell you).

What is a Wet Dream?

A wet dream happens when a boy becomes sexually aroused while he is asleep and releases semen - (the sticky liquid that sperm is part of - is released through his penis).  Wet dreams are not something to be embarrassed about; they are natural and happen to lots of boys.(You are not alone and it certainly doesn’t mean that you have been bad)