Sex and the media

Media can give you role models, good persons that inspire you to be a better you! Howeverm the media at times has unrealistic ways of portraying men and women. In some TV shows, men and women are portrayed according to gender stereotypes for example they can portray women may be portrayed as lust objects, instead of intelligent and productive members of society. Some media images can make you insecure about the way you look – in terms of your weight, your skin color or the way you dress. So it is important to look at all media critically, whether it is the TV, newspaper or radio. Not everything you see or hear in the media is true and in fact some of the images they give are harmful!

When using social media yourself, it is also important to think about the image your are creating about yourself. And…which pictures you give to your friends and partner. If you share very sexy pictures of yourself with them, they can share these on social media if they are angry with you, for example if you decide to break up with your partner. So think twice about the pictures you are sharing or your partner is taking of you.