How are values and decisions linked?

Your behaviours and decisions can change depending on what your values are. Therefore, it can be said that values can exert a considerable influence on behaviours and decisions. For example, if you value ‘puntuality’, you always take care not to be late. Sometimes, you think that you value ‘puntuality’, but you find yourself frequently being late. Then you should review and consider your values. You may have other values in reality. You are late for school or are not able to meet the deadlines because you want to help your friends. That is because you put higher value on your friendship than on punctuality. As you as a young person you may have your own priorities in your life as well as the right to make choices. Sometimes, your values may be different from those of your parents. Then there may be misunderstanding between you and your parents.     

It can be found that the values also influence on every steps of making a decision. Your aims in life are also influenced by your values. Whatever decision you make, it comes from the values you hold on to, so it is very important to develop good values since you were young. Only then the difficulties you have to face in making decisions will reduce and you can also make right decisions.