I have sores on my genitals

If you have

  • Swelling in the groin
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Discharge from the tip of the penis
  • Scrotal swelling/tenderness

1. What can be the causes of the condition?

Ulcers and vesicles on the genitals are commonly caused by sexually transmitted infections. They may be painless (e.g. syphilis) or painful (e.g. chancroid).

2. What can you do?

Seek medical care [l1] as soon as possible to get diagnosed and get treatment for the infection

Can douching my vagina (i.e. washing it with water or with products such as soap) help to prevent any infections or other problems?

It is better to avoid douching, as it tends to wash away the body’s natural protective secretions. Using products such as soap inside the vagina can cause irritation and lead to pain and discomfort. Just wash the outer part of the genital area every time you go to the toilet and pat it dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.