What are the other types of sexuality?

Homoseuality (LGBT terms and definition)

Lesbian: A woman who is romantically and sexually  attracted to other women.

Gay: A man who is romantically and sexually attracted to other men.

Bisexual: A person who is sexually attracted to both women and men. Also called “Bi”.

 Transgender: A person whose gender identity is different from their biological sex, who may undergo medical treatments to change their biological sex, often times to align with their gender identity or they may live their lives as another sex.

 Coming out: means recognizing one’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or sexual identity and being open about it with oneself or others.

 Closeted: refers to someone who keeps his or her sexual orientation secret from friends, relatives, coworkers , or the public.

Cross-dressing: is the act of dressing as the gender opposite of one’s birth sex.

Men who have sex with men(MSM): refers to men who engage in same-sex behavior, but who may not necessarily self-identify as gay.  In many cultures, men have sex with other men but do not think of themselves as homosexual.

MTF: stands for male to female transsexual or transvestite. An individual whose birth sex was male, but whose gender identity is family.

Intersex: people are born with “sex chromosomes”, external genitalia, or reproductive system that are not considered normal standard “ for either male or female.