What do I need?

The main factor which can prevent problems from arising among the family is understanding roles and responsibilities of each and every family member. Teenagers should know their responsibilities in the family no matter what positions they are in – elder, middle or yonger children.

Duties toward oneself

Teenagers should know that they have responsibilities to eat healthily, sleep and rest properly, participate in the activities which are enjoyable and good for them and to avoid risky behaviours, etc. They also need to understand that every family member including them have respective responsibilities for the family or the household depending on their age (such as earning family income, doing household chores, preparing food, doing the cleaning, doing the washing and ironing, etc). Within a family, there should not be avoiding and refusing to perform duties, dividing boys’ work and girls’ work. If the habit to take responisibility since you are a teenager, this habit will be well-established when you become an adult. Additioanally, it is also important for you to understand gender concepts and all family members regardless of gender should take responsibilities equitably.  

Duties toward parents

You should also accept that you also have responsibilities such as putting away the things after using them, acquiring skills you will need in the future by helping with the activities in th household, getting back home on time, letting the parents know when you get back home every time you go out, giving the parents the phone numbers or addresses by which they can contact you, etc.  

Duties toward elders in the family

In eastern culture, not only immediate family but also extended family members including grandparents living together under the same roof. Sometimes, even the in-laws live together. You should not ignore your elderly grandparents. They are in need of younger generations to take care of them. The younger people can take care of them to help ease their loneliness, depressions and physical weakness and slowness. Having a chat with your grandparents, spending time together with them and having a meal together can help them a lot psychologically and emotionally. Teenagers play an important role in looking after the elders. No matter how small their role is, it is a great help to the elders and teenagers can also benefit from feeling proud of their service to the elders. They can also benefit from the wisdom and experience shared by the elders which they can apply in their life as necessary. Therefore, taking care of elders by teenagers can benefit both.